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How to Get Free Real Facebook Follower? – By Official VivoLiker Tools

If Your follower on Facebook Are less than to your friend if you feeling shame beside your friends then this post definitely helps you increase follower on your facebook account. Today I share a bomb 🙂 Method with you which helps you to Increase your facebook follower so without wasting time Let’s get started.


  1. Open The Website ( –  Facebook Auto Follower )


2. Now Select the Facebook Services And Click On FACEBOOK AUTO LIKER


3. On the next page Here You need To generate Your ACCESS Token Scroll down and Click On GET ACCESS TOKEN

4. Here Wait For 5 Sec And Click On the Given Button.


5. Then here You need Your Facebook Account Email And Password  Dont worry Its Don’t Affect Your Account.

6. If you get Error then try to Enter Correct Detail and If You get Session Key Then Copy It Then Go Back  And Paste it.

7. If you Sussefuly Login then Fill Up catpctha.

8. Now Click You Need To Accept Term and Condition now Click On I AGREE Button.

9. Here Click On Use App Button.

10. Now Select Auto Follower/Friend And Click On Use

11. Here Again, Wait For 5 Sec And Click On the Given Button.

12. Here You See My Profile And Username/Id/Url Note That – 

  1. If You Want follower on Your Login account Select My Profile 
  2. If You want follower On different account then select Username/Id/Url 


Now This All the Steps Which you can follow and increase Your Facebook Follower.


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